When you decide to visit us and explore our range of offers, we’ll be happy to meet you and greet you at the airport. We can arrange one of our apartments at attractive prices for you to stay or check-in at our friendly hotel. Then we’ll get acquainted with the prepared selection of properties tailored to your needs. For each of them we will also present costs related to the purchase, taxes, rental options and other benefits etc.
During the visit, we not only focus on real estate and their assets, but also on the legal setting, we’ll appoint our lawyers who will be at your disposal, through them we check every property and obtain all the necessary information, translations ect.
Documents needed to buy property in Spain:
1. The number NIE (numero de identificacion de estranjero) obtained here or can be done in the country of residence, it is needed only at the time of purchase of the property.
2. A passport or ID is also required, both the original and a copy of this document.
3. Bank account in the Spanish Bank, will be opened at bank branches or online.
If a mortgage is needed, additional information will be required by the bank. We will assist you through all the procedures.
Costs associated with the purchase of property in Spain:
10% is a purchase tax on both the secondary and primary market, and around 3% of notarial costs. After buying the property, once a year you’ll pay a tax which is called IBI (Impuesto Sobre Bienes Inmuebles) it is simply a cadastral tax, for example: for apartments it’s about € 200 – € 300, for villa it’s around € 200 – € 600 per year.
The rent (if it is an apartment or a house in a shared urbanization) costs are estimated from € 25 – € 60 per month and for larger apartments on estates with pools; spa etc., the costs may be slightly higher. Villas do not have rent fees if they do not stand on plots of shared urbanization.
Any additional information and answers to your questions will be discussed during the reconnaissance visit.
Come and see us.